Start Your Day STRONG
Coffee + Essential Nutrients in Seconds

Waking up can be hard, so we made it easy with STRONG Coffee. Created by Adam Von Rothfelder, Celebrity trainer and Nutritionist.
As Seen In:

High Protein
Coffee has never been better:
STRONG Coffee has reinvented the latte, adding nutritional benefits and removing all the crappy sugars. We started with organic Arabica coffee, grass-fed proteins, and healthy fats to fuel your mind and body for hours. Then, we added adaptogens to fight stress, nootropics to increase focus, and eliminate any jitters or crashes. Lastly, our hydration complex sets us apart from any latte you've ever had before. With STRONG Coffee you'll not only love the way you feel, you'll love the way it tastes.
Our StoryFinally, a coffee that works as hard as you do.
Choose Your Latte
Train Harder • Think Clearer • Go Faster • Be STRONGer • Train Harder • Think Clearer • Go Faster • Be STRONGer • Train Harder • Think Clearer • Go Faster • Be STRONGer • Train Harder • Think Clearer • Go Faster • Be STRONGer •
15 grams grassfed protein
Stress reducing adaptogens
Lactose free
Helps improve gut health
Organic nootropics
Functional Ingredients + Effective Doses
Functional Ingredients + Effective Doses
For those that like it BLACK

The latte that loves you back
Best ways to make STRONG Coffee:
Enjoy it
Enjoy it
Strong Coffee is, well, coffee. We've combined instant organic coffee with grass-fed collagen and MCT oil powder in a pre-mixed, done for you powder, so you can enjoy delicious coffee in seconds. All you have to do is add water.
The goods news keeps coming, Strong Coffee mixes equally well in hot or cold water, so you can enjoy hot or iced lattes, whenever and wherever you want.
No Brewing. No Blending. No Bullsh!t.
STRONG Coffee powers motivated people to be great while making a difference. Helping you give more time and energy to your passions is our passion.
In fact, S.T.R.O.N.G. is actually an acronym that stands for Striving To Reach Our Natural Greatness.
Strong Coffee brings the specialty coffee experience to you in a healthy, done-for-you premixed powder that includes instant organic coffee, grass-fed collagen protein, and MCT oil powder to fuel your mind and body for hours, so you can spend more time and energy on the important things in life.
Can a product make you do anything? Hell no. And real talk, don't let any brand or product tell you that you are not in charge of your own actions. However, if you're currently comfortable getting uncomfortable (or want to get there) our products will help elevate your badassery to the point of no return.
Everything we create is non-GMO, soy-free, gluten-free, paleo-friendly and made with ingredients free of allergens. We also fully disclose dosing of each active ingredient. We’re not a fan of “proprietary blends” and hold ourselves to the highest standard of transparency across all STRONG products.
It's f*cking delicious. Next question please.
Our complete collagen protein from grass-fed & grass-finished cows supports healthy joints, tendons, and muscles with necessary fuel and building blocks. Organic coconut water extract and hyaluronic acid support hydrated skin, hair and joints. We want to help you be strong, pretty and shiny like a diamond.
Real talk, we all know your morning beverage sometimes gives you unrealistic expectations of productivity, but that's because you're relying on something external to power the internal. You gotta be honest with yourself - if you despise your grind, no amount of black-as-your-soul bean water is going to get you there.
However, quality coffee can be a game-changer and mood-booster*. That plus the medium-chain-triglycerides (MCTs) we've added to STRONG Latte have been shown in research to support cognitive function as well as promote mental clarity*. There's also cascara fruit, which increases BDNF.
Let's pump the brakes a minute...we can't say our products will improve your brain function, because that's a claim and the FDA will come after us, but we will say that this stuff will help Turn. You. On.
Yes, to all.
Own a gym, chiropractic clinic, or other facility that would benefit from serving & selling Strong Coffee? Great! Email for information on our Wholesale program.
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